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Philanthropy's Role in Cross Sector Leadership

Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement

March 24, 2016

On March 24, 2016, PACE partnered with the Presidio Institute to host a webinar discussion on philanthropy’s role in cultivating and participating in cross sector leadership.

The issues our society and communities are facing are critical and urgent, and can only be truly addressed if institutions from all sectors join forces to tackle them.

This requires building alliances of individuals working within and across sectors that together have a role in solving a problem and achieving a shared goal. This work requires leaders who can facilitate the members of these alliances in confronting their challenges, adjusting their values, changing perspectives, and learning new habits.

While this concept of cross sector leadership is gaining momentum, the way it is tangibly implemented and practiced can still be unclear. This discussion aimed to help philanthropy assess and understand its unique role in cross sector collaboration, and encourage foundations to be thoughtful about how such leadership can be integrated in both internal strategy and external partnerships and practices. Three foundation program officers shared their real-life learning and engagement in cross sector leadership, and invited participants to share their own experience on this journey.


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